Neck injury comes in many forms but the main thing that needs to be taken into consideration is whether there has been a whiplash injury. When someone suffers from a whiplash injury they can experience extreme levels of back and neck ache. In some cases, this type of injury will lead to more serious problems. Continue Reading…
Month: September 2022
Whiplash – What Are the Symptoms?
Whiplash injuries are often caused by sudden stops, rapid accelerations, deceleration, lateral head movement, or side-to-side rotation of the cervical spine. Common symptoms of whiplash include headache, stiff neck, arm pain, backache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of consciousness. If you suffer from any of these symptoms then you need to seek medical advice immediately. There Continue Reading…
Whiplash Injury – A Painful Problem for Drivers and Motorcyclists
Whiplash is a type of neck trauma that occurs when the head rapidly moves forward and backward inside a vehicle following a collision with another object. It is more common than you may think. In fact, it has been estimated that nearly 3 million motor vehicle collisions occur every year in America alone. That’s why Continue Reading…
What Are the Types of Arthritis?
In order to understand what the various forms of arthritis are, you need to first understand the differences between autoimmunity and autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease involves the activation of the body’s own immune cells to attack its own healthy tissue. For example, lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in multiple organs throughout Continue Reading…
The Best Treatment for Whiplash Is A Simple, Natural Remedy
Whiplash is a type of injury that often happens in car accidents and falls. It affects the cervical spine and can lead to serious consequences if it’s not treated right away. However, there are some natural treatments that may be able to help prevent whiplash injuries from occurring. One common cause of whiplash is sudden Continue Reading…
What Is the Best Tension Headache Treatment?
If you are suffering from tension headaches on a regular basis, it’s important to take care of yourself. If you don’t treat your head correctly, you risk developing severe problems such as migraines. The most effective way to reduce your chances of experiencing this kind of problem is to find relief. There are several ways Continue Reading…
Sciatica Treatment – Pain Relief or Permanent Injury?
Sciatica, also known as lumbar disc herniation, is a type of pain that involves the lower back and legs. It’s most commonly caused by a bulging or ruptured intervertebral disk in the spine. While it can be treated successfully with medication and physical therapy, some people don’t respond well to treatments. In cases where surgery Continue Reading…
Sciatica Stretches for Relief – How to Get Rid of Your Painful Backache with These Simple Exercises!
If you’re experiencing any kind of lower body pain, you might be suffering from sciatica. This is caused when your sciatic nerve becomes compressed and irritated by misalignment in the spine, usually due to poor posture. It’s not uncommon for people to experience this sort of lower body pain and many sufferers find that they Continue Reading…
Sciatica Relief Through the Power of Chiropractic Care
Sciatica is a medical term that describes pain in the leg and sometimes buttock. It’s caused when a spinal nerve becomes irritated due to pressure on it. You can suffer from sciatica if you’ve injured your back or neck, but it also happens to some people who don’t have any history of injury. If you Continue Reading…
Sciatica Pain – What You Need to Know to Deal with This Common Injury and Get Back to Normal Living
Sciatica is a medical term that refers to pain in the lower back and down one leg. It usually starts with sharp shooting pains, but they are often followed by numbness or tingling in parts of the body. Most experts say there is no cure for sciatica. However, most people who suffer from this condition Continue Reading…